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自动化学术论坛[2018第5期]:日本东京工科大学Tsukuru Tanaka学术报告会




人:Tsukuru Tanaka,日本东京工科大学(Tokyo University of Technology, Japan)

报告题目:Development of an Omni-Directional Mobile Platform having High Moving-Performance

                    on Rough Terrain

内容简介:The aim of this research is to realizing an omni-directional mobile platform with high moving performance by simple mechanisms. In this research, an omni-directional mobile platform combining the dual-caster drive mechanism and the rocker bogie mechanism is proposed. The dual-wheel caster-drive mechanism realizes omni-directional movement with a simple structure. However, in a case that wheels float from a road, omni-directional mobility is impaired. The rocker bogie mechanism is able to be a solution to improve the ground contact performance without spoiling simplicity of the structure.


2017- Grad student at Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology

2017 B.S in Computer Science, School of Computer Science, Tokyo University of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

2015 Diploma in technology college, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nippon Engineering College, Tokyo, Japan


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