报 告 人:席宁,香港大学
(The University of Hong Kong)教授
报告题目:Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of Robotics
内容简介:The recent development in information technology and artificial intelligence has significantly enhanced the scale of robotic technology. This talk will present the vision and related research activities on the recent development of robotics, especially in the areas of robotics system, sensor integration, and human/robot collaborations. The ultimate goal is to develop theoretical foundations as well as implementation schemes for robotic and automation systems to increase their efficiency, reliability and safety, and to achieve a robust and intelligent system performance. The applications discussed will involve industrial automation, biomedicine, service robots, as well as emerging application areas. The challenges and opportunities in the development of robotic technology and new applications will be discussed.
作者简历:Prof. Ning Xi received D.Sc. degree in systems science and mathematics from Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, USA in 1993. Prof. Xi is the Chair Professor of Robotics and Automation in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing System, and the Director of Emerging Technologies Institute at the University of Hong Kong. Before joining the University of Hong Kong, he was a University Distinguished Professor and the John D. Ryder Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan State University, USA. He also served as the founding head of the Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong (2011-2013). Prof. Xi is a fellow of IEEE. He also served as the President of IEEE Nanotechnology Council (2010-2011). Currently he is the President-elect of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (2017-2018). His research interests include robotics, industrial automation, micro/nano manufacturing, nano sensors and devices, and intelligent control and systems.